July 10, 2008

Cutest Niece and First Sermon

I was so busy with my dentist rant that I forgot the most important family event that has occurred in who knows how long...

My sister had her baby! Alethea was born during the last week of June, and she is healthy and happy and incredibly cute. Some pics from my short (but sweet!) visit to see her in Minneapolis:

Caitie and me and baby (and burping cloth... mmm...).

I love that she looks like a little koala bear here, all round eyes and cute little face and tiny hands...

Cait, Allie, and me.

Baby, mom, and dad are all doing well. My brave sister even had the baby sans epidural... Don't know if I'll follow in her footsteps on that one, but I sure am proud of her!

I never used to understand why people showed baby pictures to everyone they knew... I thought all babies kind of looked the same. But not this one! This one is the world's cutest baby. And I promise I am not biased. At all. ;)

Also, the online link to my sermon isn't really working, so here's the audio file, for anyone who is interested... If it doesn't work for you, let me know and I can email it out.


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