May 2, 2010


I hate it when blogs go dormant with no warning. Those I read I read regularly, and when I am greeted by the same post for weeks on end I get a bit annoyed. Where are the posts I go there to read? Where is the love, friends?

So I'm informing you all of my brief sabbatical. For the month of May, Autumn All Year will be dormant. This is for about a dozen reasons:

As of now I am less than 48 hours (less than 2 DAYS!!!) away from a permanent reunion with Daryl. I cannot WAIT. We have a lot of catching up/snuggling/laughing/hugging/kissing/talking/sharing/brainstorming to do.

Following that, Daryl and I will be driving across the country to return the car we borrowed from a dear friend. She's currently residing in Monterey, California. A 39-hour drive. I have lots of books on tape. Woot.

Following that, we'll head out on a week-long vacation with my parents (thanks, Mom and Dad!). We will do nothing but eat, sleep, and lie in the sun, recharging our ba'tries.

Following that, we'll return to Princeton where I will 1) graduate, 2) pack up our apartment, 3) drive back across the country to Wisconsin with two cats in the backseat. A 28-hour drive. Double woot.  I'm sure I'll have some stories about that one...

In between all of these things I have to turn in my final grades at Rider, send a slew of thank-you notes, clean up this apartment, pack, find boxes, pack some more, say goodbye to some incredible, incredible friends, and drive a whole heckuvalot. I am exhausted from a long year (see previous posts...) and just doing my best to put one foot in front of the other. It has been a long, hard year. It's ending, and I've made it, but just barely.

So rather than leave sporadic, unthinking posts whenever I make it near a computer, which won't be often, I've decided instead to sign off for the month of May.

I'll see you all the first week of June. Sooner, if I can. Take care of the blogosphere. I'll miss it, and you.

Cheerio, friends.

P.S. In the meantime, if you're new, these posts help explain why it's been a long year and what it's been like to live in (and survive!) a long-distance marriage: Long Distance introduction and parts 1, 2, 3, and 4.

1 comment:

Heather @Gluten-Free Cat said...

I will miss this window into your heart and soul! But I know May will bring the rejuvenation that you desperately need. See you in two days! Bring your high waders!