January 19, 2010

A Little Pick Me Up...

Hello friends,

I've been neglecting this blog lately for two reasons:

1. It's our short-term at Princeton, where students take an intensive three-week course. For various reasons I'm taking one three-credit course and another one-credit course, so my short-term is even more intensive than most.

2. After I dropped Daryl off at the airport for our second semester of geographical separation, quite a lot of wind went out of my sails. It was rough the first time, but it isn't any easier this time. I miss him, and I'm about ready to be done with this whole 1,000 miles apart thing...

I'll do my best to keep up with posting. If you miss my little updates, leave a comment telling me so, and I'll try to get back on the ol' blogging wagon more regularly.

So, since I am often in need of cheer these days, here's a bit of cheer for you.

First, American Idol's now-famous "Pants on the Ground" singer: here on YouTube.

Secondly, Wisconsin and Minnesota's much-beloved quarterback Brett Favre's take, after annihilating the Cowboys on Sunday: here.

Despite myself, I'm starting to become quite a football fan (at least late in the season, when things are more interesting). This definitely helped. :)


Anonymous said...

Ick. Football. Courtney, my friend, come back to Indifferent-to-Sports Land. From all I can tell, it's just one more thing to stress about. And who needs that?!

Glad you're posting again.

cb said...

I like your posts, please keep posting!

Tonia said...

Football is awesome!! You can watch the game with me any day!! We can Skype back and forth about how hot Brett is. :)