January 21, 2010

Thursday Recipes - Rosemary Chicken

Today's recipe is a GF recipe that my friend Cam made for Daryl and I when we were last in Chicago. You know you have good friends when you send out emails chronicling your necessary-but-pain-in-the-neck dietary requirements ("no wheat or gluten, and beware, gluten is found in odd places like soy sauce, salad dressing, and the ever mysterious 'natural flavors,' and if all this is too much of a pain we'll just pay for GF pizza for everyone...") and they respond with, "No problem! We'll make chicken."

I haven't cooked this yet myself (I'm still working up the courage to stick my arm in a raw chicken and pull out the giblets... Yeesh...) but I can attest firsthand that it is amazingly delicious. And naturally GF, so it doesn't need any special additives AND normal non-GF-free folks will happily eat it. In fact, it's so delicious that I am planning on soon putting my arm in a chicken. Yes - it's THAT good.

Cam and Leah served this with potatoes and veggies, but it would be good with just about anything -- rice, pasta, salad, or bread (if you can eat that kind of thing). I've left in all of the extraneous directions from Cam's email because they seem pretty important (thanks for letting me plagiarize you, friend).

Happy giblet fishing.

Rosemary Chicken (naturally GF)

1 frying chicken, 4 - 4 ½ lbs (they usually say "Whole Fryer" on the label).
Rinse with cold water, remove giblets from cavity

In chicken cavity, place:
     1 onion, quartered
     1 stalk celery, with leaves (optional)
     2 sprigs rosemary
     1 or 2 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped

Slip a finger under the skin along the breast on each side and slide a sprig of rosemary under the skin, one on each side
Coat skin with 1 T olive oil (maybe a little more - rub in with your hand)
Sprinkle with 1 T (plus a little more) Kosher salt
Place uncovered in preheated oven at 450 degrees for 15 minutes.
Reduce heat to 350, cook 1 hour 45 minutes.

It is worth it to buy kosher salt for this recipe
It’s important that the oven is preheated to the full 450 before you put the bird in – that’s what makes the skin crunchy


cb said...

yay, a shout out!

also, if you get the right chicken, the giblets are pre-bagged and will fall out when you hold the chicken upside-down over the trash. word to the wise...

Anonymous said...

Come on, Courtney! That's one of the most child-like delights on earth-- sticking your hands in something really disgusting, like a pumpkin or mud or up a turkey's butt.

Or maybe I'm certifiably insane. Meh.