August 11, 2010

Am I Ready for This?

There are many updates to be made on this wonderful summer I've had. Daryl and I have traveled to Duluth, Minnesota; Bayfield, Wisconsin, Chicago; and various parts of Michigan. We've visited with friends and hung out for a week with my entire extended family on my dad's side. More than all of that, we've been at my childhood home with my parents, sisters, brother-in-law, and niece for enough time that none of us were counting down the days we had left.

It's been wonderful.

There will be many pictures to come, but until I get those loaded,  I have some other news to share...

We move to Nashville in just three days! For the first time in our lives (minus the year Daryl had in Nashville, but we're counting this year as our first "official" stay) we will be southerners. We will be Nashville-ites. We will brave the crazy humidity and the boisterous thunderstorms (and the occasional giant spider) and move into our first real grown-up home. Prior to this we've been either in an apartment or in college/seminary housing. This is the first place we've really chosen as adults. It has a WASHER and DRYER. We are going to get some patio furniture! It's going to be wonderful.

I checked the weather for the next ten days, just to see what our move-in would look like:

Friday: 96 degrees, thunderstorms
Saturday: 93 degrees, thunderstorms
Sunday: 90, thunderstorms
Monday: 90, thunderstorms
Tuesday: 89, thunderstorms
Wednesday: 89, thunderstorms
Thursday: 87, thunderstorms
Friday: 89, thunderstorms

On the upside, it does look to be cooling off a bit...

I am 100% excited, but I'm also wondering, am I ready for this part of the country? That's some weather there, folks! Eep...


Mrs. M said...

It is a whole new culture for sure. Perhaps we should get together and exchange things. My outdoor plants and cute rocker/bench for the porch for your boots and heavy coats :)

I'm excited for you. And I am hoping we find as nice a place for us in the Chicago area as you found in Nashville.

Have fun!

Gluten Free Jesus Freak said...

Yes on the rocker bench!

Sadly, D and I have been living in NJ (i.e. a semi-temperate place) for so long that we have no boots. But if it snows in Nashville this year like it did last, we'll need to buy some!

Have fun looking for a new Chicago home! I love that area SO much. It's my home-at-heart.

lb said...

As one who was raised there, I can let you know it's Nashvillians, not Nashville-ites. :) I give you 2 years before you have a bit of a southern drawl!

Gluten Free Jesus Freak said...

But "Nashvillians" sounds so... so... evil! There's a bad Disney movie in there somewhere, for sure.

Heather @Gluten-Free Cat said...

Oh, cool! Based on the forecast that you posted, we're due for a cold front. Woo hoo! Looking forward to it!