August 20, 2010

Spider Update

Well, it happened.

I was sitting on the living room floor, assembling a shoe rack, when it happened.

A giant, massive, disgusting, spider crawled across the floor.

I had bare feet. What to do?

I didn't panic. I just calmly picked up part of the shoe rack and whapped the spider with it. One whap. Dead spider.

Then, I called Daryl and had a little mini-meltdown in his arms while babbling things like, "I would be such a terrible missionary! I could only be a missionary to Siberia, or to the reindeer herders! I would be a really good missionary to the reindeer herders!"


I also made him examine the spider (I'd do it, but then I'd wake him up every night for a week with my weird spider-phobic nightmares) and then look online to see if it was, in fact, venomous.

Was it a brown recluse? Results are inconclusive. It did have the telltale brown violin shape on its abdomen, but we couldn't count its eyes (I squished them), and the violin shape is also found on "the cellar spider, and the pirate spider." YUCK. Thanks, wikipedia.

I'm pretty sure it crawled out of our fireplace, so our next step is to have a massive fire in there and stomp on everything that crawls out. Ewwwww...

In the meantime, I'm doing my best to be really brave. And I'm wearing shoes now, for better stomping. Ah, Tennessee... You will certainly take me awhile to settle in.


Jon said...

That's what you get for moving to TN! Ever since my parents moved there, they've seen countless black-widows... :/ I mean, they haven't seen spiders at all...good luck?

Gluten Free Jesus Freak said...

NOT HELPFUL, Jon... Please tell me that at least the black widows were outside?!

Jon said...

Yes...yes they were? But it doesn't really matter since Nashville is so awesome! We almost wound up in TN a couple of years ago...but maybe we'll just have to visit on our way through to see the rents sometime?