February 10, 2010

Snow Day

I've never seen snow like this. I grew up in Wisconsin and have lived in Illinois. I have family in Minnesota and Michigan. And I've never seen snow like this. It's snowed over a foot in 12 hours and it's still a whiteout outside. So what to do, when class and work are canceled and it's much too treacherous to leave the immediate area for activities? PLAY!!!

Thanks to Lana, who had the idea for a grand apartment complex snowman tour (there are probably fifteen different ones in our two-block area). As everyone who lives out here is a part of the seminary community, these are some crazily creative snow folks.

 The enormous snowman in my front yard built by my apartment neighbors. Almost a whole story tall! It's totally going to flood our basement in about a week when this all melts, but isn't it cute?

The back of the monstrous man of snow. 

The folks across the street took the challenge. This is them diligently working on an even bigger version of the one in my yard.  

The Leaning-Tower-of-Pisa version. 

The Wisconsin version (Badger and Packer apparel included!). 

The Pottery Barn version. It's hard to see in this photo, but this one even has a sculpted Casper-like face. Classy. 

The Tree-Hugger Snowman. Both twig arms wrapped around the tree. This one also sports an adorable cartoonish nose. 

Cambria and Lana Snowpeople. 

Our version. In all the seminary there was not one snow woman. We took it upon ourselves to remedy this. 

Isn't she lovely? We dubbed her Snowfia. Notice the tiara?

 By the end of our excursion the blizzard had started up again, so no doubt Snowfia will put on a few pounds before morning...

Thanks for sharing your photos, Kelly!


bb said...

These are awesome snow people. Are you sure the folks that made all these are in Seminary? They could be art majors! Lot's of creativity in your neighborhood!

Tonia said...

Love the pictures! But hate to break it to you...that's pretty much what Duluth looks like every day of winter...sorry East Coast, you think you're experiencing Snowmegeddon, but you're really just experiencing A Day in the Life of a Duluthian. :)

Gluten Free Jesus Freak said...

Yeah, we're weather wimps out here. But to be fair - Duluth plows, and it took the city three days to plow us out of this mess. 18" of snow in a day is quite different when it ALL stays on the road... Silly, silly east coast...