February 9, 2010

Ten on Tuesday (Take Three)

Today's questions are from the Villanovan, Villanova's college newspaper. Hey, if I can't get questions from Megan (who is currently traipsing through Spain and undoubtedly too busy for blogging), I have to find them someplace else!

1 .Where is the strangest place you've ever fallen asleep?
When I was about five years old I went out to dinner with my parents. It was late at night, I had had a long day, and I was totally wiped out. A few minutes into dinner I fell asleep with my face squarely in my plate of mashed potatoes.

2.Who is the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Daryl. We talk every night before we go to sleep, even if the day is to full and busy for a good phone call. It helps both of us to feel grounded and connected, and the sense of routine is helpful, too. We pray together for the day and week ahead, and talk through how our days went. I prefer doing the daily debrief in person, of course, but for now this will have to do. Probably 75% of my phone calls are to and from Daryl.

3. What are your summer plans?
I wish I knew. Daryl and I are considering taking a much needed break, putting all our stuff into one of those storage pods (anyone ever used those? are they any good?) and spending a month or two with my parents in Wisconsin before we officially move to Nashville. He has reading to do over the summer, but he can do that anywhere, and unless I find a job in the next few months I will likely be free as a bird for the first time since... well, kindergarten, really! Just the thought of sitting by our lake, hanging out with my family, and reading some good novels makes me relax a little. I've been running very hard (2-3 part-time jobs while a full-time student) for the past three years, and I could definitely use a short breather before picking back up my baton. So this is my hope, at this point, though I'd certainly love to start a ministerial job in the near future.

4. Where is your favorite place to eat on campus?
I pretty much eat at home now, because of the whole gluten-free thing. But I love the Chipotle just off Vanderbilt's campus when I'm visiting Daryl. Mmmm... If you avoid the flour tortillas and the medium salsa, everything else is gluten free!

5. What was your first pet?
A black lab named Dusty. He was my parents' before I was born. He was a sweet dog, but got pretty cranky by the time I was old enough to remember him. He was reeeeallly old by then. I also had a little white mouse named Harrison and a short-lived gecko named Elvis.

6. What was your first Halloween costume?
Mom and Dad dressed me like a clown when I was too young to remember (or stop them...). I know I was a tiger when I was about five years old because we still have the newspaper clipping of me in my tiger outfit at the town's Halloween party. In the picture I am cheating at a game where you are supposed to eat an apple that hangs on a string without using your hands. I think I won, though, so it was all good.

7. What did you have for breakfast?
A strawberry yogurt. It was a sleep-in-and-bolt-for-the-car type morning.

8. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Watermelon. I'm incapable of being sated in the watermelon department. I could eat a whole one every single day.

9. If you could trade lives with any person for one day, who would it be and why?
I'd love to spend a day at the Olympics in my sister Caitlyn's shoes (she leaves Friday for Vancouver to watch our friend Jinelle play for USA Women's hockey). Reaching even farther, I'd love to spend one day as an actress on Broadway. If Les Mis was still playing, I'd love to be Fantine (provided I got the actor's voice in the trade and could sing well enough to be passable!). She's still one of my favorite characters of all time.

10. Do you collect anything?
Dust bunnies... No, not really. I buy lots of amazing novels, but I almost always give them away. When I really love a book I want other people to be able to read it, too. So now when I want to reread them I hunt for awhile before remembering that I don't really collect these books, they just pass through my hands on the way to new readers.

This is a pretty boring post. Ah well, I had to start somewhere back from my horrible February death illness...

1 comment:

Tonia said...

I never knew about the mashed-potato incident!!! Haha!! That's awesome.