February 25, 2010

Ten on... Thursday

Life has just gotten a bit crazy. Usually I have a few hours in my day to myself, but now that this semester has ramped up, I am running pretty hard all day. This, combined with finishing up my final documents for my readiness review at the Presbytery of Chicago in a couple of weeks, polishing a sermon for March 7, looking around for jobs in Nashville, rehearsing the spring play at the seminary, and teaching a course at Rider that I haven't taught in two years makes for a busy girl. So those are my excuses as to why this blog has begun to be a bit sparse. It's my intention to post every day. But... hey. Sometimes not.

Anyway, my ten questions:

1. Do you know any famous people?

I know Jinelle Zaugg-Siergiej, an Olympic hockey player who will have either a gold or a silver (but my money's on gold!) medal by 9pm EST tonight. She's newly famous, and handling it well.

I know Evan Dollard, winner of a season of American Gladiators. He was the head lifeguard at Silver Birch Ranch summer camp when I worked there for a summer. Really nice guy, solid Christian, and a face made for television. If there was one person I knew who I would expect to be on a sports-related reality television show, it's Evan (well, Evan and Jinelle's two older brothers).

Other than that I know quite a few sort-of-famous folks. The professor I work as a T.A. for is a Shakespearean actor who's been in some movies (he's on IMDB - that's pretty stinkin' cool). One of the men from the Bible study Daryl and I led in Burbank has been on Law & Order. I once walked right by Jude Law in New York City and Justin Chambers (of Grey's Anatomy fame) at the Getty in Los Angeles. That's about it. Living in Wisconsin the most famous person you ever come across is the fishing guide, Joe Bucher. And yes, he's a big deal.

2. What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
I am a fussy eater. I'm getting better (in part due to the whole gluten-free thing where my options are limited...), but I'm still more picky than most. I don't think I've ever eaten anything considered strange, unless you count a pound of cotton candy all in one sitting... Yeah, I guess that's not normal.

3. What's one thing you want so much in life that you're almost afraid to hope for it?
To be a pastor. After this whole seminary journey with all its ups, downs, and unpaid internships, I'm almost afraid to hope that I'll actually be able to fulfill my vocational calling in some capacity in the near future. Really? This was all going somewhere?

4. What's your favorite thing about your significant other?
Everything. He's just the best. Today my favorite thing is his voice over the phone. It's comforting, even from hundreds of miles away. I also like that he cooks and cleans. And that he's tall. I like tall.

5. How many extra hours in a day do you need?
I'm always convicted about how I use my days... I have the same number of hours as everyone else, the same number of hours in a day given to all of us by God to use and rest in. I'm trying to find a balance between frantically doing things all day or recovering from my frantic doing for most of the next. Still working on that one.

6. What is the best magazine to read on a plane?
Anything celebrity gossip-y. Nothing helps pass the time like what Catherine Zeta-Jones is wearing or learning that pink is the new black. I've given up celebrity gossip for Lent, though, so I don't know the answers to life's deep questions anymore right now. You'll have to ask someone else who Mary-Kate Olson is dating.

7. What's your favorite article of clothing?
I love my black fleece. It is getting old and kinda ratty, but it just makes me feel so safe and happy and warm. It's my go-to when I'm getting over a cold or headed out for a long day of class in the snow.

8. Will you ever be famous yourself?
I can hear in my head how Megan would answer this ("No, but I may be infamous!"). I hope not. I want to live a meaningful, grounded life. Also, the paparazzi would drive me nuts. I never want to lose the freedom to leave the house for groceries without selecting the right shade of eyeliner. Or any makeup at all. Or matching socks.

9. What's one random thing that you're afraid of?

10.  What's one thing you wish you could change about your house or apartment? 
Just one? Today I wish our apartment building's basement didn't have three inches of standing water in it. And TONS of mold (which is probably giving me cancer as we speak). I can't do laundry until the water recedes or I'll electrocute myself, and I'm running low on socks. And pants.

Don't forget to watch Jinelle's team play Canada tonight at 6:00pm on MSNBC! I don't get this channel (BOO, NBC! programmers! Booooooo!), so I'm heading out to a local restaurant with some seminary friends. We will be cheering from New Jersey!

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