April 17, 2010

GF Recipes: Peanut Butter Cookies

This recipe is courtesy of my bro-in-law Jared. He made these cookies just because they're (ridiculously, super) easy and tasty, and when he heard of my malady, he was happy to offer me a recipe that he had been baking for years that is naturally gluten free! Enjoy!

This is Jared deciding whether or not he can eat one of these pizzas in 30 minutes and get it for free when we visited Ocean City.

Jared's Peanut Butter Cookies
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
1 c. peanut butter (smooth or chunky - most are naturally gf)
1 c. white sugar
1 egg
Mix ingredients together. Roll heaping tablespoons of dough into balls. Press them down with a fork. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Makes 18-24 cookies.
Additional ideas:
Adding 1 t. of vanilla (make sure it's gf! most varieties aren't, though Costco's store brand is) and/or 1/2 c. chocolate chips.

Easy, fast, yum.


Heather @Gluten-Free Cat said...

Did he eat the whole pizza?

Gluten Free Jesus Freak said...

Nope. Decided on just a slice. He could've done it though - he's a very dedicated kind of guy. :)

Unknown said...

Delicious! Megan read the recipe to me and I leaped up and grabbed my peanut butter and sugar and made it right away. Yum!! Thanks for posting it!

Jared said...

Ha, you have no idea how honored I am to have a recipe featured on your blog! But I'm still working on adapting the fiesta chicken recipe to gf. Perhaps we'll perfect that over the summer.