April 8, 2010

The Play's the Thing

The show opens tonight!

The seminary's performance of Brecht's "The Caucasian Chalk Circle" begins this evening, and I am super excited. I'll post pictures of the cast from the dress rehearsal after Sunday's show, but for those who are coming to the performances, I don't want to spoil the surprise of the costumes!

It's a great story. If you can't see it because you aren't in the area, it's a great read. Brecht was a complicated man, but he had some great insights into power, sacrifice, and the "terrible temptation to do good."

I'll be away from blogging until Tuesday or Wednesday. With the show, my parents in town, and Daryl visiting, I'm going to be one busy (and happy) girl.

Blessings to all! If anyone needs ticket information, drop me a line and I'll hook you up.