March 24, 2010

Sunny California

Our spring break trip to Los Angeles was, as always, wonderful in a thousand ways. Why we don't live there I don't know...

This is Bel Air, my favorite street in Burbank. It just screams, "Yay! You're in California!"

We went to the beach in Ventura. Out in California we always spend a lot of (wonderful) time with Daryl's family, so because of our long-distance year we took one day just for us and drove up the coast to Santa Barbara. It was so, so, so gorgeous up there.

We went to the Farmer's Market.

We bought the world's tastiest oranges.

We ate tasty meals.

We hung around the beach. It wasn't warm (50s and 60s), but it was beautiful nonetheless.
Daryl always looks 100% himself in California, as if he's been waiting to put on his sandals, shorts, and shades for months (which he probably has).

I gave Daryl Laker's tickets for Christmas, so we got to see a game one of the nights we were in town.

He thought it was a pretty rockin' present.

As for me, I've become a bit of a fan myself...

And they won! After a three-game losing streak! With a buzzer-beater! Yeah, it was awesome.

I had breakfast with Hannah, a friend from Eagle River who is pursuing an acting career in Hollywood, and Jinelle, a friend from Eagle River who won a silver medal at this year's Olympics!

She let me wear the medal, which was pretty cool.

Jinelle was in Burbank to film the Ellen show with her team. Aaaaand... in this picture I am in desperate need of a tan.

For most of our visit, we stayed with Paul and Luanne, Daryl's friends-who-are-practically-family. They cooked us some delicious meals and stayed up talking with us until late in the night. This is June, Paul's mom. She's a really wonderful lady.

And we got to see Jenn and Curt, Daryl's friends from high school. I love that getting married means you double your friend base. Daryl has incredible, caring friends, and now they're my friends, too!

Daryl's grandma was in the hospital for part of our stay, so we went to visit her. During one of our visits Daryl's dad and aunt, Alex, were there, too. She's doing a little bit better now.

We had dinner at P.F. Chang's with Daryl's dad, step-mom Deborah, and step-brother Greg. P.F. Chang's has a great gluten-free menu (and it's on the back of the regular menu, so I feel like a regular customer!), and they were nice enough to base our dinner meeting based on what worked best for me. Greg was nice enough to celebrate Princeton for us.

We had some good time with Daryl's mom and brother, Dave, too. One night we hung out with Dave and his wife Emily up in Santa Monica, but I forgot the camera...

We spent a night at Jonathan and Jessica's. Married for just five months, their house is already settled and really cute.

They made us creme brulee for dessert! Daryl was brave enough to torch his own; I was not.

Kent drove down from Whittier for an In 'n Out lunch. I tried to take a picture under the In 'n Out sign, but some lady nearly ran me over with her car. She was in a hurry for some burgers...

More than anything, it was great to have a week with Daryl. A whole week, like normal married people have. I can't wait for May, when daily life together like this just becomes a regular part of life.

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