March 16, 2010

Ten on Tuesday (Take Six)

 Courtesy of my friend, Megan.

1. If you were given an hour to use a $200 Amazon gift card, what would you buy?
Novels. Glorious, interesting, assorted novels. I always have a running list of ten or twelve that I'm dying to read, and there's something about owning them in paperback that makes me infinitely happy. They're like reading candy, with all their beautiful colored jackets. I don't own them to be selfish, either. I probably give 3/4 of them away to friends because I love them (the novels and the friends) so much I want them to be together.

Over break I read this, and it was amazing:

2. Are there any fairly common foods that you’ve never had?
I'm scared of sauerkraut, and have avoided it to this point. Is that common? Also, brats are a staple in Wisconsin, and I've never eaten one. I had a babysitter when I was in kindergarten that told me I couldn't leave the table until I ate the brat she cooked for me. I sat there until my mom came to pick me up hours later. Totally worth it.

3. What was your favorite way to use your imagination as a kid?
My sisters and I (and my friend Tonia, once she had been ingrafted into the sisterhood) put on elaborate shows. Dancing shows, musical shows, ice skating shows. They were complicated and involved many, many costume changes. I was always the star. Tonia was the secondary star. Poor Caitlyn was relegated to the supporting characters - Chip, the teacup, when we played Beauty and the Beast. Rajah, the tiger, when we played Aladdin. She was a good sport and I owe her many nice Christmas presents for putting up with my bossy self.

4. What’s your favorite state? Why?
I love Wisconsin. Always, always will. I've now lived in five states (WI, IL, NJ, CO, and CA), been to almost all of them (minus the Pacific northwest, which I am dying, dying, dying to see!), and they all have their own type of charm. Sometimes that charm takes a bit to uncover (NJ?), and other times it's so obvious it smacks you in the face (CA!), but it's always there in some form. It just can't compare to the kindness-of-strangers charm of Wisconsin.

5. If it was our culture to have our parents choose our spouses, do you think yours would make a good choice?
Oh goodness... In some ways yes (he would certainly love Jesus) and in other ways, maybe no. I love my Daryl, and I don't know if he is the guy they would have chosen for me in part because they never would have run into him in his Los Angeles habitat (though now they're thrilled I chose him!). I'm encouraged to know that they never would have chosen someone like one of my well-meaning relatives once did. He set us up on a date of sorts, and the first thing prospective-boyfriend-guy asked me was, "So.... can you cook?" Date over.

6. What’s your favorite herb?
I'm with Megan on this one. Cilantro. Though rosemary is a close second, especially with beef in soups. Mmmm... When we move to Nashville I'm starting an herb garden. Mmmm... fresh rosemary!

7. If you could have dinner with one celebrity, who would you choose?
Assuming we mean celebrity in terms of movies/film, Jeff Bridges. Married to his wife for 33 years, an incredible actor, just won a well-deserved Oscar, plus: he's the dude!

If we can include novelists, then my list grows much, much longer. I always wanted to meet David Foster Wallace, but sadly, that can no longer happen.

As for sports figures, I have a pretty substantial figure-skating crush on Evan Lysacek and I certainly wouldn't mind meeting Brett Favre or Derek Fisher.

8. What’s your favorite Disney movie?
I love Ratatouille. It is the perfect adult-kid movie, and it symbolizes the relationship with food I am now discovering (good food = gooooooood food). In my more kid-like moments I love Monsters, Inc. the best. As a kid I was head-over-heels in love with Aladdin. I wanted to BE Princess Jasmine with a pet tiger and a scandalous midriff-bearing blue outfit, riding magic carpets. Sometimes I still do.

9. If you had to listen to the same song over and over for 24 hours, what song would you choose?
"You're Beautiful" by James Blunt. I don't know why. It's kind of a dumb song, actually, but the acoustic-y melody gets in my head and helps me to be productive. In English graduate school I would play this on repeat until Daryl would change it himself, he was so tired of it. But hey, James helped me write some pretty darn good papers!

10. How do you order your steak?
Medium well, unless I'm trying to impress someone, like the French chef at the restaurant Daryl and I were gifted a dinner at over spring break. Then I say medium, so I don't sound so uncultured and charcoal-loving. And sometimes I even enjoy a medium steak, though sometimes (I'm embarrassed to admit), I just eat around the periphery and save the innards for Daryl, who likes his meat to moo.


Tonia said...

Hahahahaa oh man. Good memories. You're hilarious.

Jenny said...

Funny, Courtney - I have a very similar story with bratwurst & sauerkraut. I, too, was at a friend's house where I, too, was not allowed to leave the table until I ate it. Our stories diverged because I was allowed to go to the bathroom...where I eventually flushed it all down the toilet, trip by trip.

Gluten Free Jesus Freak said...

Seriously! Who makes a little kid eat a bratwurst and sauerkraut? That's just wrong...